Reset Your Password

If you know your old password, use this Active Directory link to start the password reset process, or follow the steps below. 

  1. Choose or enter your Hilbert email on the Microsoft site. At the Single Sign-On page,  enter your Hilbert email and password.
  2. Image Placeholder Image Placeholder
  3. As a security step, select the “Send Passcode” button. Microsoft will text a passcode to your mobile phone, and enter the passcode on the next screen.
  4. Image Placeholder
  5. Reset Password
    Enter your old password, then your new password. You will enter your new password again for confirmation.
  6. Image Placeholder
  7. Password Reset 
    Your password has now been reset. You should be able to log into Hilbert Services (Office 365, email, Blackboard, self Service) using your new password!
Image Placeholder

If you experience any issues during this process, please do not hesitate to contact the IT HelpDesk at or 716-926-8812