Adding Events as a Web Contributor 

  1. Log into our Sitefinity CMS at
  2. Use your Hilbert email address and the password given to you by the Director of Web & Digital Insights. Your Authentication provider should be set to default, unless told otherwise.
  3. You should see a dashboard, my content, and a navigation bar at the top. Go to the navigation bar and select Content > Events 
  4. Click on the green "Create an Event" button
    1. Enter the title, and then add the description of the event below. If you have a link to register, add it here. You can also add a summary, a sentence of what the event is. 
    2. Use repeat event as needed - daily, weekly, monthly, yearly
    3. The event start and end goes by military time. Be sure to note an end time or a that it is an all-day affair. Do not change the time zone.
    4. Use categories and tags as needed. Most will not need a tag.
    5. Choose the calendar that will display the event - this can be HCG, academic calendar, Alumni, etc
    6. Provide a location. If the location is by Zoom or online, add a link to the meeting or to the registration.  
    7. Add contact information so users know who to contact for questions. 
    8. The URL is based on the title. Make it as simple as possible - you may have to remove a few characters. 
    9. Include in the sitemap if you would like this shown in the search. Please be aware it will take a few days to populate in search. 
    10. Publish if you would like the page live that instant, otherwise, Save as a Draft or Publish the event as a later date. 
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