Looking for a new webpage to engage prospective or current students? Please review and fill out to the best of your ability - if you would like a meeting or consultation, please either submit a ticket or email cbrittin@hilbert.edu to schedule. 

At the moment, we are working on streamlining a process and creating training modules to add knowledgeable web contributors to our Content Management System (CMS). Your patience is appreciated. 

  • Page Purpose
    By specifying the goal or goals of a page, we can work to plan those elements that will best help the page meet its purpose. The goal can be simple. 
  • Page Audience
    Identifying an audience will ensure a page speaks to that group in a way that they will understand and ensures they respond in an intended manner.
  • Page Name
    A good page name should identify the content on the page clearly. The audience should be able to examine a page name and immediately know the general content that will be hosted there.
    The page name will also be used in a position that is given considerable weight by search engines. A page name that contains terms your audience may use in web searches will increase your page’s discoverability and rank in search results (Google & Bing).
  • Keywords
    Identify those terms or phrases those searching the web will likely use to discover your page. These keywords will be incorporated in key positions to ensure your page performs well in search and highlights those terms your audience will search for when they land on your page.
  • Page Location
    Identify the area where your page will make its home. A good location will have adjacent pages that are relevant to your audience and a path that is intuitive to follow for website navigators. If you are unsure, review other higher education institutions for insight.
  • Page Elements A webpage should consist of a number of content blocks. Your audience should be able to move from one block to the next using appropriate section headings and visual elements. Elements include: lists, images, videos, callout boxes, and other widgets.
  • Page Content You are the expert in your field - while we can help polish and fine tune your writing for the proper audience, we don't have the in-depth knowledge you and your department hold. Content for the page should provide at the very least, a description of what you and your department can provide to your intended audience, as well as resources. Event webpages should have content that includes: date, time, location, cost, audience, contact, applicable imagery, and other useful information. Page elements help enforce the content. Your copy should be broken up into manageable sections, allowing your audience to interact with your content in a way that works best for them and creates multiple points of entry for readers.
  • Inspiration
    Identify other Hilbert pages that are similar to how you envision your page or page elements that would work for your page. Can your page be modeled after an existing page? Or do you have another institution's page that serves as inspiration? We will try our best within the constraints of our CMS to uphold your request.